Camp Ney-A-Ti Guntersville

Nestled in Guntersville, AL, Camp Ney-A-Ti beckons campers to discover its Christian oasis.

Affiliated with the Churches of Christ and operated by Alabama Christian Youth Camp, this retreat facility offers visitors a chance to deepen their faith and explore the great outdoors.

Its mission is to provide a place for studying the Bible and enjoying fellowship and recreation.

Overview of Camp Neyati Christian Youth Camp in Alabama

Christian youth camps play an important role in the lives of young people, providing them with an opportunity to learn and grow in their faith.

Camp Ney A Ti summer programs offer a chance to participate in spiritual activities and engage in meaningful conversations.

camp ne-ya-ti guntersville alabama

Participants also benefit from the camp’s close proximity to nearby attractions like Lake Guntersville, Screaming Eagle at Lake, and Zipline & Aerial Adventure Parks.

This camp provides a safe and fun environment for children and teens to explore and learn about the world around them.

With its wide range of activities and facilities, this Christian youth camp helps develop friendships, leadership skills, and life values.

Nearby attractions

Camp Neyati

You’ll find plenty to do in Guntersville, Alabama. From antiquing in the historic downtown to exploring the Guntersville Museum, there are many options for entertainment.

Outdoor adventurers can take in the beautiful sights of Lake Guntersville State Park, while history buffs can check out the area’s many historical landmarks.

For those looking for a leisurely hike, the Sunset Drive Trail offers stunning views.

Cultural activities like the Whole Backstage Theater and the annual Art on the Lake event provide plenty of entertainment.

Additionally, festivals like Hydrofest and the Will Rogers Heritage Festival offer exciting celebrations.

Overall, Guntersville is the perfect spot for a fun-filled trip from Camp Ney-a-ti.

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